Office: The 1st Floor, TNU Centre, 567 Le Duan Street, Buon Ma Thuot City, Vietnam

Phone number:0262.3860775


Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Phuong Dai Nguyen

The head 

Dr. Dang Thi Thuy Kieu

Deputy Head 


1. Introduction

The Department of Academic Affairs was established under decision number 61/TCCB-DHTN, dated January 18, 2007, and plays a vital role in the heart of Tay Nguyen University (TNU). It architects academic programs, ensuring students receive the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving job market. The department bridges theory and practice, collaborating with faculty and industry partners to develop relevant and up-to-date curriculums.

The Training Department's responsibilities are multifaceted, including:

  • Curriculum Development and Management: The department oversees the creation, implementation, and continuous improvement of academic programs across various disciplines.
  • Faculty Development: Training and supporting faculty members in effective teaching methodologies and keeping them abreast of the latest field advancements.
  • Student Recruitment and Admissions: Developing strategies to attract qualified students and managing the admissions process.
  • Collaboration with Industry: Building partnerships with businesses and organizations to provide students with internship and job placement opportunities.

2. Functions and tasks

a. Function:

   Advise the Rector and implement the management and organization of training at the university, college, secondary school level, and other forms of professional fostering.

b. Task:

   - University Training Management:

+ Manage training programs and plans for the whole course, academic year, and each semester.

+ Together with the faculties, make a timetable and arrange classrooms for classes throughout the school.

+ Develop plans and approve the list of students taking the exams for modules and subjects.

+ Manage students' learning outcomes.

+ Prepare procedures for consideration of suspension of study, withdrawal from school, recognition of graduation, and issuing diplomas and physical education certificates for students of all training levels.

+ Coordinate with training units in researching and developing discipline programs and objectives; propose opening new disciplines and abolishing no longer suitable disciplines.

+ The work of linking training with human resource requirements and social needs.

+ Disseminate management skills with training units in the university.

+ Monitoring the teaching volume by calculating teaching hours for lecturers of departments in the school.

+ Coordinate with training units in proposing to invite lecturers and exchange lecturers when necessary.

+ Participate in the formulation of annual training funding plans.

+ Participate with the Department of Organization and Personnel to manage the fostering, training, evaluation, and recognition of lecturer titles in training disciplines.

+ Summarize the plan and submit it to the Rector for approval of textbooks and documents in service of teaching and learning.

+ To be authorized to sign copies of papers related to training in universities, colleges, and other systems.

- Admission:

- Enrollment work and following the assignment of the School Admissions Council.

- Manage and effectively use the assigned facilities.