Phone number: 02623853272 - 859562


Phạm Trọng Lượng, M.A.

Deputy Head

1. Introduction: The Department was established parallel to the foundation of the university (November 11, 1977)

2. Total number of staff: At present, the department's staff consists of 10 members including 01 head, 01 deputy heads and 08 officials.

3. Function and responsibilities:

- Function:

Acts as a counsellor for the Rector on political ideologies

Acts as a counsellor for the Rector on issues relating to students

Acts as a counsellor for the Rector on emulation and commendation for staff.

- Responsibilities:

Fulfilling tasks relating to promoting political ideologies: propose contents, organize and keep track of political activities to promote political ideologies for students and staff.

Addressing issues relating to students: receive and administer students’ documents; coordinate with the other departments to evaluate students’ extracurricular activity results and decide rewards and disciplinary measures to students; organize and supply concrete guidance to academic and research activities to students; coordinate with the relating units or organize and administer students’ statute labour practice, engagement in collective activities, autonomy and leading cultural lifestyles.

Undertaking emulation and commendation tasks:  suggest and implement tasks relating to emulation and commendation for staff and students.